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7 Tips For Finding Stability in Unstable Times
This week the financial stability of the US seems to have shifted. Talks of a recession have changed to talks of a depression. The financial institutions in the US are failing and being bailed out by our government. However, our sense of stability does not need to come from the nightly news; it can come from our security in the knowledge that our financial situation is just one area of our life. We are whole people with relationships that ground us. Look at your life holistically and apply the below tips. Within these tips lies stability in these financially unstable times.
The Mother of All Bailouts Will Not Save the EconomyTreasury Secretary Paulson has proposed a $700 billion bailout of the financial system. The main thrust of the plan is getting mortgage-backed credit derivatives that are near or already worthless off the balance sheets of major financial firms. Using new borrowings, the Federal Reserve System hopes to, in one major sweep, remove all the fear of loss that is paralyzing the credit markets. The same fear that put Lehman Brothers out of business and AIG into federal ownership.