OS PINGOS NOS IS – 10/05/2022

OS PINGOS NOS IS - 10/05/2022


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Is China’s Economy Unsustainable? Of Course It Is

All is not as it appears to be when it comes to China’s economy. First of all, we can’t seem to get any legitimate numbers out of any of their companies, even those companies publicly traded on our stock market. Further, the Chinese government often seems to create their economic numbers out of thin air, which is my hunch.

American Debt – Inflate It Or Die

Has anyone ever wondered how come the United States keeps such a firm hold on its gold bullion? Why is it that America keeps its citizens in the dark regarding the benefits of accumulating gold and silver? Yet the US government is in the business of minting and distributing silver and gold coins. Did you know China publicly educates its populace as to the long-term benefits of owning these precious metals?

QE3 Explained

The Federal Reserve, and Ben Bernanke, announced today a third round of quantitative easing (QE3) to help stimulate the economy. Which would be great news, if it worked.

How To Painlessly Remove $9 Trillion From Our $16 Trillion National Debt

This article reivews some fo the excellent analytical work that has been done by many American consulting organizations, analytical work that has identified many ways to remove at least $9 trillion from our $16 trillion national debt with minimal impact on the averaeg American. Their suggestions include ways to reduce criminal fraud in government programs, increase inefficiencies of government functions, eliminate redundancies across government entities, and eliminate unnecessary government spending. They prove that unnecessary government spending and waste is possible.

Democrats and Wealth

Many Republicans think that they own prosperity. They do not.

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