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Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction – Making Growth Work For the Poor
The article shows that the argument that economic growth will necessarily translate into poverty alleviation, is flawed. It advocates for pro-poor growth, which is characterized by conscious and targeted policies aimed at helping address the plight of the poor. It concludes by showing that if constraints to pro-poor growth are not dealt with, the hope that economic growth will trickle down is baseless.
GDP Growth, Inflation and the Yield CurveStatistics Canada reported a rise of 2.8% in GDP annualized over 2006. The latest report available indicates an increase in GDP of 0.3% in May, 2007 after remaining nearly unchanged through April. Strong increases in retail and wholesale trade were present while a drop in oil and gas exploration constrained overall growth. GDP Growth is expected to remain strong through 2007 at an estimated 2.6% and subsequent 2.7 % in 2008.