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Pacheco, o guarda-costas do STF, critica ação de Bolsonaro contra Moraes

by Infonew
Pacheco, o guarda-costas do STF, critica ação de Bolsonaro contra Moraes

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Is Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program a Bust?

Homeowners are being forced to sue their mortgage servicers in a last ditch effort to get what they were promised – a modified mortgage. Lawsuits are popping up all over the country as homeowners are growing increasingly frustrated at the less than stellar results of President Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP).

What Is Your Portion of the National Debt?

Everywhere I look today, I’m seeing the national budget and debt being talked about in the news. Under the media’s consistent stories that all is improving; that the worst is over; and things are getting better, there is an undercurrent of unrest. We want to believe them, but should we? There are signs between the clouds that there are improvements in some things. One of the issues has to do with how accurate are the systems in place to really measure things like unemployment or housing sales? At the same time, Bernanke is getting ready to try QEIII (Quantitative Easing III)!

How to Improve the Economic Development of a Rebuilding Country

When I was a little girl, my parents, who were Holocaust survivors, were virtually penniless. I grew up in a tenement in Spanish Harlem in New York City. Every day was a challenge to get through to the next measly paycheck.

Egyptian Government Loses $90 Million

For the past few days, a major revolt against the current Egyptian government has been taking place. As a result, authorities have blocked internet and mobile phone services in an effort to break down communication in the country and quell what could otherwise become a very bloody rebellion. A report by the Associated Press stated that the revolt may have cost the Egyptian government more than $90 million. The OECD reported that the blocked services stand for around 3-4 percent of Egypt’s economic productivity. The international policy think tank suggested that, as a result, the Egyptian economy loses about $18 million for every day that the revolt continues.

Using Alternative Energy Can Uplift National Security

Food security is one thing each nation has been dealing ever since it started its existence. It is literally the backbone of survival. But as technology grows, needs for power also grows.

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