O Pânico Retrô é um canal oficial que mostra o que de melhor e mais engraçado que acontece no Programa Pânico no Rádio. Aqui você não perde nenhum detalhe desse programa sensacional. Inscreva-se e venha fazer parte dessa bagunça!
Vídeos Curtos do Pânico (Shorts): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AYvvTlMK4VzhXHoyyAxdQ
Entrevistas completas do Pânico Jovem Pan: https://www.youtube.com/c/panicojovempan
Canal Oficial do Programa Pânico na Band: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProgramaP%C3%A2nicoLab
I Fixed Our Economy In My Dream Last Night
I had a crazy dream last night! And you were there, and you, and President Bush, and Ben Bernanke, and my dog Togo was there too ( dog’s name changed for copywrite reasons )! I was the Federal Reserve Chairman and it was my duty to take corrective actions to set this economy back on track.
Petroleum – The Triple Threat to World EconomiesWorld economies are facing a triple threat. Oil reserves will be close to depletion by the year 2050. Damages from climate changes caused by escalating greenhouse gas emissions will become substantial. Rising transportation and food costs will slow economic growth rates. The results will lead to worldwide economic stagnation without hope for escape or reversal.