Home Nacionais e Internacionais PÂNICO’S CHEF – CARLINHOS SEDUTOR X SEU BIGODE #11


by Infonew

The State And Economic Development

There are many economic ideas about the intensity of involvement of state in the economic development of the countries of the world. Its true that the state’s involvement in the economic development is essential, but to what extent the state should involve is the question.

Raising Minimum and Creating Universal Health Care Won’t Make Us Richer, Happier or Healthier

Not long ago, I had been doing some additional research on minimum wage law history in the United States and found some rather disturbing facts, no not all that disturbing to me, in fact, I’d half expected to uncover such information. I guess what intrigued me the most was the lack of evidence (real empirical economic data from trusted sources) that raising the minimum wage actually improved the lives and standard of living in the regions where it was instituted. Let’s talk.

Economic Development and Persisting Economic Woes

The countries of the world do have several economic problems during the process of economic development. Such problems are inevitable. The corrective measures would be taken by the governments. But there are some international trends, business cycles, supply and demand factors, etc which would not solve the issues easily!

Your Republican Uncle Is Right About the Economy

There’s a good chance that your republican uncle has investments in the market. He wants to make sure that his investments, to include his retirement accounts, provide him with a nice retirement. To do that, he has to get his hands on all the market and economy related news that could affect his investments. When it comes to economics, DNC’s “Your Republican Uncle” has handed you a “spork” to take on your “M240 machine gun armed” republican uncle.

Economic Democracy

Nearly all the countries of the world today have come under some sort of democratic structure. Liberal democracy has been established in such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France and Canada, while in the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, and Eastern Europe socialist democracy is the dominant system. The plight of the people in liberal democratic (so called democratic) countries is not as miserable as it is in communist countries, because in communist countries the political and economic system is imposed on society by party officials, causing untold human suffering and severe psycho-economic exploitation. Both liberal democracy and socialist democracy may be considered forms of political democracy because these systems are based on economic and political centralization…

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