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Partido abandona Rodrigo Garcia em SP e pode fechar com Tarcísio de Freitas

by Infonew
Partido abandona Rodrigo Garcia em SP e pode fechar com Tarcísio de Freitas

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Could Another 2 Million Jobs Be Lost in US?

The employment situation in the United States is scary. The bad news is it could get worse. The problem is states in the red are facing huge employee layoffs to facilitate budget problems.

What’s Wrong With the Unemployment Numbers?

This economy is far from out of the woods, and it won’t be until there is robust and sustainable growth in the private sector. When that happens we’ll see a real drop in the unemployment rate, not one spuriously induced by questionable statistical methods.

Taking America Back

As I have stated in many of my articles the United States is one of the greatest countries on the planet. We have helped more countries in need than any other single power and have developed more for the good of civilization than any single country in the world.

SF Bay Area Job Losses More Than National Figure Due to Recession

Losing job by the bread winner of the family has been identified as one of the disastrous consequences of economic recession. Ever since the US economy started its downturn, there emerged innumerable problems like the foreclosure fiasco, arising out of the ballooning effect of adjustable rate mortgages, the primary home loan feature, many of the unwary Americans fell for.

Sovereign Debt Default – Price to Pay For Sub Prime Crisis

Sub Prime crisis seems to be a thing of the past. People are now grappling with Sovereign Debt Default crisis in Europe. Investors are accusing European countries for bringing about gloom and doom in the financial world. But what has caused such deplorable financial condition of European nations, a sphere where everything was hunky dory just a couple of years back?

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