Os partidos PSB, PV, Solidariedade, PCdoB, PSOL e Rede Sustentabilidade entraram com uma ação no STF que visa impedir que o governo federal ou as Forças Armadas convoquem policiais para qualquer nível de contenção de ordem pública no ato de 7 de Setembro.
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Snapshot Of Indonesian Economic Performance
Indonesia was one of countries in Asia which experienced a high economic growth in early 1990’s. From 1987 to 1996, growth of Indonesian GDP has reached 7.1% which accounted as the great performance over the decade. This situation was mainly influenced by the financial deregulation in early 1980s which had triggered a great expansion in capital inflow and credit growth.
Growing Rift in OpecWednesday’s (9/10/08) OPEC meeting was quite noteworthy. The headline news stories tell us that OPEC agreed to cut production by 520,000 barrels a day. The headlines won’t tell you that the ties that bind OPEC are unraveling at a wonderful rate for crude consumers.