
Mauricio Souza compara os cenários das eleições presidenciais de 2018 e de 2022, analisando a mesma manobra da oposição de colocar Bolsonaro como louco e sem competências, e aponta suas expectativas para a aliança com eleitores do Centrão.

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10 Reasons Why the Dollar Is About to End As the World Reserve Currency

Out of the foreign currency reserves in the world, 60% are in United States (U.S.) dollars. The largest economies are creating agreements to move away from using U.S. dollars for international trade. This shift will cause huge negative problems for U.S. citizens.

Economist Alfred Marshall May Have Missed By A Mile On More Than One of His Economic Theories

Not long ago, I was talking with an acquaintance who lambasted corporations, and while there have been many a greedy corporate executive who has taken advantage of the political system and the consumer, we must also understand that more often than not it is the corporation that needs the shell of armor to protect itself, as everyone is after its deep pockets – politicians, unions, lawyers, and regulators. Okay so, let’s talk about economic theory for a moment shall we? He noted that if a company’s efforts of production cause pollution and if that pollution flows into…

Public Versus Private Money

The physical object representing money (like a bank note) is public: it belongs to society. While its represented monetary value (like that of ten dollars) is private: it belongs to whoever controls its representing object (that bank note). Thus, money must be both private, as its value, and public, as its representation: despite private, its value must be social, which is impossible without its public representation. We must consider public versus private money to learn how money can either be privately public, as in bank notes, or just publicly private, as in Bitcoin.

Why the Numbers No Longer Matter in Deficits, Derivatives, or Debt

For decades now we have heard about the U.S. being too indebted and everything would collapse. The numbers have long since become fantasy and only faith and history have kept the currency afloat.

Four Money Myths

The fundamental money myth is that of money as the mere concept of its representation, which results from representational monetary identity — any monetary representation failing to distinguish between itself and its represented money. In addition to this fundamental myth, here we present three other money myths resulting from it: money creation “out of nothing,” money as the mere concept of an IOU, and money as either objective or subjective.

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