Home Vídeos News Patricia Pillar se pronuncia após ter nome citado em debate na TV

Patricia Pillar se pronuncia após ter nome citado em debate na TV

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Patricia Pillar se pronuncia após ter nome citado em debate na TV

A atriz Patricia Pillar utilizou o Twitter nesta tarde de segunda-feira (29), para se pronunciar sobre a repercussão de um comentário de Jair Bolsonaro (PL) após uma fala de Ciro Gomes (PDT) no debate transmitido pela Rede Bandeirantes no último domingo (28). Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/Cb6iD4a-zuY

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How Regional Lay Offs and Company Closings Affect Us All

Recently in the Tampa Bay DMA, we saw a regional manufacturing company go out of business and 176 jobs were lost. The economic development association said it was a one-time thing and the local economy there was fine.

Re-employing the Laid Off Middle Class and Middle Aged

Although the unemployment rate in the United States of America is down around 4.7%, which is by far the lowest it has ever been in our nation we still have a problem with layoffs in large corporations, which is affecting the middle class. Many of these people being laid off are middle-aged and that means it might be tough for them to get jobs that are equal to their current employment.

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