Paulinho da Força repreende Lula em meio a apoio político pelo Solidariedade

Paulinho da Força repreende Lula em meio a apoio político pelo Solidariedade


Durante evento realizado nesta terça-feira (03) para formalizar o apoio do Solidariedade à candidatura de Lula, o presidente do partido Paulinho da Força deu uma bronca no petista sobre recentes declarações que geraram incômodo

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Despite the Global Financial Crisis, the Banking Sector in Poland Records Robust Growth

The good condition of banks operating in Poland is contrasting with the troubled banking sectors in Western Europe. Despite the persisting global financial crisis, the banking sector in Poland recorded a robust growth in 2011. The total assets of commercial banks increased by 12% yoy, the net banking revenue went up by 9% and the bottom line surged by over 33% to 14.5 billion PLN.

1950S and Taxes

There are people claiming that taxes are too high. In 1950s, they were 92%.

The Business Community No Longer Trusts the BLS Numbers – Therefore I Have a Plan

One of the main reasons that our federal government has the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) is because it helps streamline our free-market economy and allows the flows of commerce to prevail. Some of the reasons we take a census in our country is to give that information to corporations, businesses, and government itself to help them make better decisions. As a retired franchisor or founder, I often found misleading, bogus, and erroneous data in census reports. It always irked me because I knew it was taxpayer money paying for that data and all that research, including all the people out in the field knocking on doors.

Populist Socialist Leaders Are Rarely Good At Playing Both Sides

Populist socialist presidents and leaders in history generally worked very hard to get in with the good old boy network, the merchant class, and the wealthy so that they have the backing to rule. Once in power, they often turn on their donors as they need appeal to the masses to stay in power. You see, Populist socialist leaders are rarely good at playing both sides forever. Initially, they realize that they can distribute the funds of the state towards the businesses of the merchant class to stay in their favor to continue their campaign contributions.

Welfare Assistance, How Important Is It?

With the increasing number of people on welfare assistance, would it be fair to cut the same programs that so many people depend on for assistance? And if people are not able to find employment, what should they do?

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