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Pesquisa BTG/Pactual: Lula tem 45% e Bolsonaro 34%

by Infonew
Pesquisa BTG/Pactual: Lula tem 45% e Bolsonaro 34%

Os comentaristas Paulo Figueiredo, Guga Noblat e Zoe Martinez analisam pesquisa divulgada pelo instituto BTG/Pactual e que mostra o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) com 45% das intenções de voto no 1º turno das eleições presidenciais de outubro. O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) registra 34%. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/b8xWKOceXG0

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Banks Facing Treacherous Times

Ben Bernanke, chairman (or God as referred in the finance industry) of the American Federal Reserve expects a number of banks to fail within the next few years. These banks hold YOUR money. What seems unthinkable has become quite probable with the unfolding of the credit debacle.

How To Get $1.50 Per Gallon Price Back, Save Us Economy And Solve Other Problems

Everyday job commute in the US represents 90% of gasoline consumption. It increases fuel demand and drives prices up finally affecting US economy. Authors suggest one-step fixing of high fuel price, air pollution, US economy, etc. All people who can work at home should stay and work at home using telecommuting. We need the US Congress Act requiring all businesses to reimburse employees for the commute fuel. It will force corporate management to cut cost widely implementing telecommuting, thus cutting fuel demand and solving related problems.

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