Pesquisa Ipespe: Lula 44%, Bolsonaro 32%

Pesquisa Ipespe: Lula 44%, Bolsonaro 32%


Pesquisa XP/Ipespe divulgada nesta sexta-feira (20) mostra o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) com 44% das intenções de voto na corrida pelo Palácio do Planalto. O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) tem 32%.

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National Inflation Rate

The wide ranging rise of the prices of goods and economic assistance in a period of time is what we call inflation rate. When the prices of goods and other products increase, it tends to affect the rate of those who consumes that certain good, for the buying rate decreases. It is often a negative outcome on some economic businesses for the less buyer they will have, the lesser they will receive in return from their investments.

Christmas Spending

Spending So the 2010 Christmas season has come and gone and (according to the data I have heard bantered about) it appears we had a pretty big holiday buying season. I am somewhat surprised as it seems (by the data) people are buying stuff and yet unemployment is still high and the people I know seemed to spend the same amount of dollars or (most likely) less. I am not sure if this is just numbers beating skewed down expectations or real demand.

What Caused the Great Depression?

In the recent times that I define as the Great Recession, Americas volatile economy has put its citizens through a roller coaster series of situations and events which has left many of us financially crippled. With a major depression already on the books (the Great Depression) and a recession that does not seem to be improving so much, I feel that in order to avoid another depression we must first take a look at what caused it in the first place.

How Alternative Energy Sources May Affect the Economy

Electricity power cities and cities will just be another set of land without business in it. This is the basic functions of economy, when there’s business there’s progress.

Government Versus Private Sector Failures Considered – Book Recommendations

All too often, the political pundits, especially those who are anti-capitalist by nature, and perhaps even closet socialists, although we are not allowed to say that – seem to point fingers at free markets, companies, Wall Street, investment banks, and large corporations as the reason, claiming they are fault that we go through economic cycles. I’d like to explain why it is generally government’s interference in the private sector the causes failures, bubbles, and eventually crisis. For instance, let’s take Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they are quasi-government agencies, and they were allowed to circumvent the rules because the…

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