Home Vídeos News Petrobras reduz preço do diesel e pressão inflacionária deve cair

Petrobras reduz preço do diesel e pressão inflacionária deve cair

by Infonew
Petrobras reduz preço do diesel e pressão inflacionária deve cair

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State Budget Crunches, Job Retraining, Community Colleges and California Crisis

Currently, California is in a world of hurt with their budget deficits and realize it is an enormous state and if it stood alone as a nation, it would be the seventh largest economy in the world, not very far behind some of the largest and most powerful countries on the Planet. And like all the biggest nations in the world it is feeling the world-wide economic slowdown, which is effecting the job base and the tax base.

Forget the Recession – There is More Than Enough to Go Around!

People seem to be under the impression that there just isn’t enough money now. Somehow, somewhere the money disappeared and there just isn’t enough to go around. They couldn’t be more wrong. The money is there, it just isn’t moving. People need to take control of their own situations and not leave their well being to the companies that they currently work for. The time to take control is now!

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