O presidente da Ucrânia, Volodymyr Zelensky, e a primeira-dama ucraniana, Olena Zelenska, estão sendo criticados nas redes sociais por posarem durante a guerra para um ensaio fotográfico da revista norte-americana Vogue. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/4Kg2lbTgi0c
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To Bail Them Out Or Not
It has been reported that General Motors and Chrysler require $10 billion to bail them out of the current financial crisis. Yes, that’s billion with a “B”! If assistance is not forthcoming more plants will close and thousands of employees will be laid off. What are governments to do?
Put an End to Boom Or Bust in the Property MarketWith the current state of the property market in the UK its clear that these are not good times at all if you are looking to buy or sell your home. House prices falling meaning if you are selling your house you aren’t getting as good a return on your investment than say 12 months ago. In the worst cases the plummeting prices can force some home owners into negative equity.