Advogados da campanha do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) protocolaram um recurso no TSE contra a decisão da ministra substituta Maria Cláudia Bucchianeri de não tirar do ar publicações de Jair Bolsonaro (PL) que vinculavam Lula e PT ao PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital). Assista o Morning Show completo:
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Help With Foreclosure?
President Bush today announced the feds will help some homeowners who have adjustable and or high or otherwise unaffordable payments. Its called FHASecure. He said “there have been some excesses in the lending industry” uh, duh, you think?
Not Protecting No Claims Discount ‘Could Cost Drivers Millions’By not taking steps to protect their no-claims discount (NCD) policy on their car insurance, motorists across the country could see increasing strains at their attempts at money management, it has been stated. In research carried out by uSwitch, more than 7.7 million British drivers with at least four years’ worth of NCD are putting such discounts at risk by not getting cover for it.