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Obama’s Economic Stimulus Plan – Watch Out For Scams – The Truth About Stimulus Checks
If you are a business owner in this upside down economy, you are looking for every source of available capital. But slow down a bit. Whenever a hot topic hits the news, the con artists crawl out from under their assorted rocks and jump into high gear. Make sure you don’t take the bait and become snared in one of their deceptive traps. Here is the true skinny on what is going on with Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Economic Stimulus Plan – How Will Federal Mortgage Stimulus Help Troubled House Owners and BuyersEconomic Stimulus Plan has been specially formulated to rejuvenate the nauseous economy. On 17th February Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which approximately stood to $780 billion. This plan has been triggered to offer the required stimulus to the economy and is the most expensive fiscal action that has been taken since World War II by the federal government.