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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan:
China’s Economy Is Hitting the Brakes
The Organization of Economic Development is pointing to a slowdown in China’s leading economic indicators. They’ve based their prediction on the declining velocity of shipping, fuel usage, fertilizer production, raw steel manufacturing, capacity utilization and stock market turnover. Rising interest rates and slower turnover are key signs of a slowing economy.
Using a Foundation RFP Process to Provide Grant Funding to CharitiesA helpful way to have an organized and more strategic approach is to issue a formal Request For Proposals (RFP) that applicants then respond to by providing specific and detailed information. In this way the foundation is more likely to receive the same information from each charity and can evaluate these applicants fairly. The template below can be helpful in understanding what to include in the RFP and how the RFP can be structured for maximum efficiency.
The Differences Between Inflation, Deflation and Stagflation RevealedOver the course of many years economic cycles go through periods of inflation, deflation and stagflation. Each one of these has a specific effect on the overall economy as a whole and sometimes can lead to deep long lasting recessions or depressions.
Living in a Goldilocks EconomyYou’ve probably heard the term Goldilocks economy. Who would have ever thought that the market would be so interested in that little girl with the curly golden locks.
Saudi Arabia Addresses Its Future Water NeedsSaudi Arabia’s original model of addressing its water poverty is no longer sustainable. Once producing up to 70 percent of the country’s water needs, a growing demand for water is exhausting this solution at a rate that demands a change in the government’s policy and in its citizens’ demands for water.