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Renan Calheiros comete gafe e elogia a própria mensagem no Twitter

by Infonew
Renan Calheiros comete gafe e elogia a própria mensagem no Twitter

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Looking Ahead to Q1 of 2009

We’ve all heard the old adage, “it’s always darkest before the dawn.” But exactly when can we expect things to lighten up? There’s so much paranoia and mistrust with a stock market in the tank and so many businesses already filing, or preparing to file, for bankruptcy, that while peering into the darkness, we see less than promising news for the first quarter of 2009.

Will a Financial Crisis Cause Chaos in Modern Middle Eastern Nations?

Things are coming to a head all over the world and nations that had all their wealth in oil are in huge trouble. Nations that have been running socialist type nations are also weary of complete government overthrow from the people with riots in the streets. Much of these unruly mass mobs are angered with the leadership and also blame their involvement with the West as the cause.

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