Entrevista com Rica Perrone. Pesquisa Datafolha: Lula tem 47% das intenções de voto e Bolsonaro tem 32%. Câmara do Rio cassa mandato de Gabriel Monteiro. Simone e Simaria terminam dupla e vão seguir em carreira solo. Justiça de SP determina que humorista Leo Lins pague indenização de R$ 44 mil por ofender mãe de menino autista.
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Nasdaq Liquidity Providers Quiet, NYSE Specialists Gone
Firms making money by supplying market centers with liquidity went dark last week, down by half from averages, despite a 27% increase in total comparable volume in our statistical set. We also saw order flow double at wholesale desks, which assist other broker-dealers find liquidity to meet demand.
The Northern Rock Story Simplified – Why Did It Happen?In September of this year the nation’s fifth largest mortgage lender became the victim of the first run on a British bank in almost 150 years. Since the credit crunch took hold in the UK in August Northern Rock has become known as one of the highest profile victims of the financial turmoil that was created by the global credit crunch, which was sparked in the sub-prime mortgage sectors of the United States.