Home Vídeos News Rodrigo Constantino: Bolsonaro não é obrigado a ter sangue de barata quando critica Barroso

Rodrigo Constantino: Bolsonaro não é obrigado a ter sangue de barata quando critica Barroso

by Infonew
Rodrigo Constantino: Bolsonaro não é obrigado a ter sangue de barata quando critica Barroso

Rodrigo Constantino comenta sobre como as críticas de Bolsonaro a Barroso apresentam questionamentos válidos sobre o sistema eleitoral e, apesar de mais ferrenhas, atentam ao golpe em curso realizado pela conduta dos ministros do STF, que é ignorado por uma imprensa de oposição conivente.

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Credit Crisis Explained in Simple Words of a Self-Employed Austrian Immigrant!

Who can understand anything when it comes to our credit crisis. My own research tells what happen and why we are in this situation. Kept simply and to the point. Without any fancy words, so anyone can understand, who to blame. Let us hope that this crises will not destroy what we work so hard for. Thanks to the Banks and investors we are now on the edge of financial ruins, and the little people and small businesses are the ones who pay dearly for the mistakes those large Corporations made.

Looking Into the Future

The world economy is still feeling the effect of the credit crunch. For over a year now, crisis is wreaking havoc especially in the US economy. Although it is showing some signs of improvement over the past few months, the economy of the US is yet to fully recover from the slump.

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