Home Nacionais e Internacionais Rodrigo Constantino: Chuchu de Alckmin com Lula é indigestão certa

Rodrigo Constantino: Chuchu de Alckmin com Lula é indigestão certa

by Infonew
Rodrigo Constantino: Chuchu de Alckmin com Lula é indigestão certa

Rodrigo Constantino analisa como, apesar do STF e suas arbitrariedades terem sido os grandes responsáveis pela elegibilidade de Lula, os esforços do petista para alianças políticas não estão dando resultado, começando a ser evidentes até mesmo nas pesquisas.

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Is Former Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan to Be Blamed for the 2008 Economic Crash?

One thing I find in today’s mass media political rhetoric is there are far too many people running around blaming people they don’t know for things which clearly aren’t their fault; but why is this you ask? It’s because quite frankly we have too many pundits on TV who simply have no clue as to what they are talking about. Now then, the other day an acquaintance asked me if I thought former Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan was to blame for the 2008 Economic Crash. My answer is simple; no. Still, I’d say it’s time to set the record straight on this, so, here me out and keep reading if you disagree in your naivety.

Chinese Economic Stimulus of 2013 and 2014 – What To Build Next?

The G 20 is now admitting that the world’s central banks are controlling the global economic game. Many economists have stated that we have a race to the bottom with regard to various national currencies. We have currency debasing, manipulation, and purposeful printing of money in the name of economic stimulus. Each time that currency is worth less and less which gives an advantage to that nation’s manufacturing sector, and a trade surplus benefit, but let’s also look at the long-term costs of all this.

The Mysteries of the VIX

The VIX is an index in the financial markets that is frequently used to gauge “Fear” and “Greed”. But what is it really, is it accurate, should we trust it, and how do we use it?

Should Overseas Investors Be Wary of Latin America?

This week’s revelation that the Bolivian government is to nationalise three airports owned by a Spanish company has caused a major political argument between Bolivia and Spain. It seems as though the Bolivian government believes that the Spanish operator of the three main airports has not delivered on further investment and expansion as promised. However, the Spanish company in question, Sabsa, has refuted these allegations.

Will Consumer Debt Hold Back the Brazilian Economy?

There is no doubt that the Brazilian economy has performed very well over the last four or five years and indeed while slowing down in 2012 there are high hopes for 2013 and beyond. However, one issue which is being mentioned more and more is the fact that consumer debt has increased dramatically and many consumers are maxing out on credit cards and other financial arrangements. Is this a danger for the Brazilian economy going forward?

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