Home Vídeos News Rodrigo Constantino: CPI do MEC torna-se urgente logo após CPI da Petrobras ser considerada absurda

Rodrigo Constantino: CPI do MEC torna-se urgente logo após CPI da Petrobras ser considerada absurda

by Infonew
Rodrigo Constantino: CPI do MEC torna-se urgente logo após CPI da Petrobras ser considerada absurda

Rodrigo Constantino questiona o apoio maciço da esquerda à CPI do MEC um dia após considerar a CPI da Petrobras absurda, e critica o duplo padrão sobre a prisão de Milton Ribeiro considerá-lo culpado sem o devido processo legal, enquanto Lula é considerado inocente por ter sido solto após um malabarismo do STF.

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Los Angeles Unemployment Proclaimed to Be 12.2% on Its Way to 15%

Over the years I’ve been highly critical about various nations and their Sovereign Wealth Funds, and I’ve also been highly critical of forward looking statements, and even of my own government’s figures when it comes to unemployment, retail sales, and other economic indicators. In fact, I feel that many of these things are manipulated, and we change them over time. Changing the definitions and changing what we are putting into our statistical formulas, when coming up with these figures.

Can We Blame the Economy on the Repeal of the Glass Steagall Act?

What better time, than the day before a long Labor (or lack of Labor) Day weekend to start blaming others for the problems we have. A commenter on a recent post of mine mentioned that the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act is the cause of the World economic crisis. My initial response to this was, what the heck is the Glass-Steagall Act?

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