Home Vídeos News Rodrigo Constantino: Decisão contra empresários mostra que Brasil vive num estado policialesco

Rodrigo Constantino: Decisão contra empresários mostra que Brasil vive num estado policialesco

by Infonew
Rodrigo Constantino: Decisão contra empresários mostra que Brasil vive num estado policialesco

Rodrigo Constantino analisa como a decisão do STF contra o grupo de empresários configura em mais um ato decorrente da chamada tirania da toga, cujas pretensões totalitárias ultrapassaram os limites aceitáveis ao ir atrás de gestores com base numa conversa privada de WhatsApp.

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“Made in China” Definition is Being Rewritten

Maybe some people are still unable to get out of its low-cost impression. But the Chinese enterprises which have lofty ambition do not satisfy of “Made in China” and has been in pursuit of “Create in China”. If you still think that Chinese product is a symbol of low-priced and poor quality, you are out of date. Even the British Financial Times reminded the myself-businessmen in its special report: It is self-deceit that some manufacturers consider they allowed the Chinese to dispose of the low-end markets, and then they can concentrate on the high value-added products

Understanding Economic Indicators

Financial advisors and skilled investors will often look at economic indicators to predict whether the stock market will be up or down. Sometimes these economic indicators are right and sometimes they are wrong. Regardless, it is important to understand that the economy is not the stock market and vice versa.

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