Rodrigo Constantino: É mais fácil Lula sair na Revista Time do que na rua

Rodrigo Constantino: É mais fácil Lula sair na Revista Time do que na rua


Rodrigo Constantino comenta sobre como o fato de Lula ter sido capa da Revista Time não significa alta popularidade do petista, considerando a decadência do veículo e o alto teor tendencioso da matéria e o fracasso de sua manifestação em 1º de maio.

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Hold the ‘Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich’ In The Post-Recession Developed World

Globalization means we have to think about competition in all areas on a global basis including education, tax structures, and legal environments. Businesses are competing globally for locations, employees, and customers. While there has been a lot of discussion about who is emerging in the developing world, my question is: Which developed country is going to come out on top as the global economy recovers?

Economic Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate bears the social responsibility to the economic development of the company. They are equally responsible to bring up the economic condition of the country. 20% revenue of the Indian economy comes directly from these sectors of the India.

Economic Realities of 4-More Years of the Current Nonsense Considered

Indeed, I find it rather telling and somewhat fascinating that neither presidential candidate in the October 2012 debates bothered to get into any reality based discussion on the ‘Fiscal Cliff’ issue. President Obama has stated that the sequestration will never happen, and Governor Romney has always stated that he can work across the aisle to get things done. So, what does this mean?

Will Raising Taxes On Entrepreneurs, Business People and The Rich Lower the Deficit?

Well, “glory be, we have reelected our Prince, Barack Obama,” I felt like singing in sarcasm. So what will happen to our economy now you wonder? Well, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has already explained that if we go into sequestration, or even if we have large budget cuts of our federal government – along with tax increases that we will go into another recession in 2013. Interestingly enough, this is one time I do agree with the CBO. Many Democrats and political pundits are stating that it wouldn’t matter who was reelected, we are headed for recession anyway.

Should We Really Give Up On Political Partisanship and Come Together For Socialism?

At about the stroke of midnight (EST) Governor Mitt Romney conceded to President Barack Obama in the November 6, 2012 presidential election. He explained to his supporters and the American people that it was time to come together, pray for the success of this administration in getting through the recession, and dumping our political partisan divide. Whereas, that was a nice concession speech, and the right thing and most expedient political thing to say at the time, I completely and will forever respectfully disagree.

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