Rodrigo Constantino atenta ao fato da disparidade entre Bolsonaro e Lula nas pesquisas desconsiderar a repercussão positiva de recentes entrevistas do presidente a podcasts direcionados a um público além de seu eleitorado, além do contexto econômico ser bastante favorável, e ressalta o desespero dos petistas.
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Gasoline to Hit $3.50 Per Gallon by Spring 2008
The Real Estate Sector is a huge drag on our economy, but then again so are the high oil prices, as high fuel costs act like an additional tax on everything you buy or any service you partake in. High gasoline prices affect families and our citizens at a real personal level. Now the Department of Energy research shows that we might be looking at $3.50 per gallon gasoline by Spring and Chicago commodity traders agree.
Changing Geopolitical EquationsMany interesting developments have been taking place in the economic as well as geopolitical front. Russia has risen from the ashes like a phoenix. China has seen double digit growth over the last few years.