Rodrigo Constantino comenta sobre como a Petrobras acaba tornando-se alvo de todas as condenações pela alta no preço dos combustíveis quando a crise de energia é mundial, e analisa como a alta politização sobre a mudança de comando da estatal prejudica mais a empresa do que Bolsonaro e seu governo.
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Too Big to Fail?
What are really the problems behind the term “TOO BIG TO FAIL”? Lets delve into the true meaning of the word TOO BIG.
“Quality of Place” Considered in Coachella Valley, Economic Recovery SlatedEvery community wants to think that it has control of the standard of living and quality of life within the area. Sometimes cities and counties grow too fast, and they get a little ahead of themselves. This along with economic business cycles can make it difficult for commercial developers, city planners, and economic development associations to maintain a long-term cohesive plan.