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Rodrigo Constantino: Que tipo de presidente golpista quer mais transparência no processo eleitoral?

by Infonew
Rodrigo Constantino: Que tipo de presidente golpista quer mais transparência no processo eleitoral?

Rodrigo Constantino critica o claro ativismo dos ministros do TSE e STF contra Bolsonaro, e comenta sobre como as associações do presidente a golpes carecem de qualquer sentido pelo fato dele querer uma maior transparência no processo eleitoral.

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Poverty, Race, and Education in a Capitalist Nation

Poverty and institutional racism are inextricably entwined with public education. We generally engage in myopic examinations of societal problem, addressing pieces of a problem instead of taking a hard look at the overall problem. This may be because it’s a lot easier to try to fix education by only looking at scores, or teachers, or blaming families, than it would be to examine the entire economic system that produces an inadequate and unequal public school system. This data-driven article examines one high school in the context of the structural racism and poverty of Providence, Rhode Island. Human potential is stifled under this self-perpetuating system of poverty and poor education.

Democrats and Republicans Unite in an Effort to Bring Jobs and Create a New Industrial Revolution

I have some questions for what our country’s principles were built from. How have jobs been created in the past? I don’t remember it being the governments’ responsibility to create jobs or pay for this. Aren’t we a happier bunch when people are not on unemployment and gainfully occupied? Isn’t it the responsibility of those who are in business to employee those locally? I got that impression. Now, I’ll chime in on what I feel will really turn things around.

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