Rodrigo Constantino avalia a possível origem do dinheiro do caso das rachadinhas de André Janones, e analisa como, apesar da prática merecer punição e ressaltar o caráter problemático daqueles que se aproximam do PT, deverá ser relativizado por conta da relação do deputado com Lula.
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Short Essay on Comparative Advantage and Trade
The principle of free trade is based on the law of comparative advantage. The law of comparative advantage states that if countries specialise in producing what they have a relative advantage (lower opportunity cost) then there will be a net gain to society. This essay is an explanation of the difference between absolute and comparative advantage.
China 2007 – The Property RevolutionMarch 2007 is going to be taken as the turning point in China’s Economy, to become a full member of the World Capital Club. After decades of public and communal property, the Chinese government legalized individual property in cities and industrial environments, which is great news for those who consider capitalism as the economic way to development and economic growth.