Rodrigo Constantino aponta como a reação desproporcional aos questionamentos sobre as urnas eletrônicas impeça a concretização dos pedidos de maior transparência do processo eleitoral, e cita casos de negacionismo eleitoral que se contradizem diante das atuais críticas ao sistema de votação.
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Unseen Benefits of a Recession – Learn to Take Advantage
While everything seems to be gloomy in a recession, there are benefits in it that not many people will probably see or appreciate. If you look closer at what these benefits are, you can consider taking advantage of them now. Just what are these benefits?
Survival Lessons Learned From US Airways Flight 1549 Give Banking CEOs Something to EmulateWe can all benefit from the lessons taught by the pilots, flight attendants, first responders, and survivors of US Airways flight 1549. Our economy is in a survival/rescue mode. If only CEOs of defaulted banks would adhere to sound survival lessons, we would all have a better chance at an economic rescue. As a survivor of the most catastrophic collision between two ocean liners on the Atlantic (the Andrea Doria-Stockholm) in 1956, I endorse the behavior which resulted in a “miracle on the Hudson.