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Rodrigo Constantino: Visão identitária explica porque Tebet substitui Doria à altura

by Infonew
Rodrigo Constantino: Visão identitária explica porque Tebet substitui Doria à altura

Rodrigo Constantino analisa como o apelo às pautas identitárias do discurso de Simone Tebet explica o fracasso da 3ª via, ressaltando a tentativa de uma postura politicamente correta dos tucanos que é totalmente desconexa da realidade do povo.

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A Brief Economic History – India’s March Towards Progress Though an Ordinary Person’s Eyes

In this article we shall take stock of how India has changed over the years by taking a retrospective journey through decades, giving a micro economic view of gradual progress through the eyes of a growing child and a grown up adult. I remember as a child 1964, though we lived in the heart of the city, our house was not electrified. In fact, some of the houses in the neighbourhood did not have electricity connection, and it was not considered infra dig.

Barack’s Economy Crisis

Barack Obama’s stimulus plan is intricate, as with many industries falling bankrupt, it is hard to say if it is worth saving them or not. He and Congress feel it is necessary to send billions if not over a trillion dollars to various corporations, and that if he doesn’t keep these companies afloat then, maybe millions more people would be out of work and the unemployment rate would increase tremendously.

Can The Words of Napoleon Hill Transform The Economic Condition of Our World Today?

I believe that there is a force of entrepreneurial dreamers who have already begun to exert their passions into a battle weary workforce looking for leadership and answers. As Napoleon Hill said, the race is on. The big question now is, are you in or are you out?

America, A Promise of Change, While Losing the Real Battle at Home

An analytical and realistic look at our current economic situation in the United States and western countries in general, and how one major player, China, continues to play by its own rules for its own advantage at the expense of these nations. The article also examines the contributing causes of or sliding economy and possible associated security risks which may be involved if this trend continues.

Fifteen New Millionaires a Day in Australia

According to a new study a record number of ordinary Australians have joined the millionaires club with around 15 new millionaires being created each day since the. The annual Capgemini and Merrill Lynch wealth report shows there are now more millionaires in Australia than before the Global Financial Crisis. More than 180,000 Australians have a net worth of more than one million dollars, a 7 per cent increase on the 168,700 recorded millionaires at the start of the GFC in the summer of 2008.

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