Rodrigo Constantino analisa como, apesar da forte presença do funcionalismo público no DF, a vitória de Bolsonaro apontada nas pesquisas confirma a realidade das ruas e a tentativa de barrar o esquema da esquerda de impedir as privatizações.
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Birth of the Disease – The Story of Medicare and Medicaid
The unfunded liabilities. What is their history? Where on Earth did they crawl from? We know that like a creature spawned from an alien ship crash, the ground in America shook during the twenty straight years of baby booming – and this is when the monster started coming out – attracted by the smell of food.
How Will People Without A Lot of Money Survive the Coming Economic Turmoil?When you look at what is happening around the developed world, you see very similar economic issues, mostly tied to debt. Along with Greece, other European countries are also struggling with the real potential of economic calamity. The U.S. is definitely not immune to the possibility of what is know as hyper inflation. This is where the costs of everyday goods go through the roof. The result is the loss in value of the American dollar. If this happens, the dollar will only buy a fraction of what it can buy today. The scary issue here is that this collapse can happen rapidly. The big question is what can an average person of average means do, to stay afloat.
Corporate Social Responsibility in Banks – What Does It Mean?Over the past few years, a rising emphasis has been placed on companies and financial institutions’ Corporate Social Responsibility. But what does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)” mean anyway? This is indeed one of the most frequently asked questions for all those dealing with CSR matters.
Is the Debt Ceiling Debate Overshadowing the More Serious Issue of Unemployment?The debt ceiling is one of the main topics being discussed this month, and its importance is gaining momentum among the public. As we continue to rapidly approach the date by which the debt ceiling must be raised without consensus on whether or not to raise it, Americans and international citizens alike have begun to worry about the potentially catastrophic economic consequences that may await us. Not raising the debt ceiling could have devastating results for the domestic as well as global economy, as financial markets will tumble and unemployment will skyrocket even more than it is now….
Screwflation and the Barbeque RecoveryEconomic events of the past few years have given rise to new words and terms. Thanks to the financial crisis, you are probably quite adept at using “subprime”, “bailout” and “toxic debt” in cocktail party chatter and you certainly know that our largest banks are still “too big to fail”, but have you heard of the terms “screwflation” or the “barbeque recovery”?