Home Vídeos News Rodrigo Garcia foi sabatinado na Jovem Pan nesta quarta-feira (17)

Rodrigo Garcia foi sabatinado na Jovem Pan nesta quarta-feira (17)

by Infonew
Rodrigo Garcia foi sabatinado na Jovem Pan nesta quarta-feira (17)

O governador Rodrigo Garcia negou a existência de “padrinhos políticos” para a disputa à reeleição em São Paulo. Durante sabatina no Jornal da Manhã, da Jovem Pan, nesta quarta-feira (17), ele minimizou as intenções de uma aliança BolsoRodrigo, com aproximação ao presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL), embora admita também ter o Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) como principal oponente nas pesquisas eleitorais. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/8qYZyLxiQPk

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What Have Banks Learned from Crashing the Economy and the Subprime Mortgage Meltdown?

A free market would have punished such awful lending and investing decisions, but the semi-government intervention saved the funds from having to make good decisions in the future. The homeowners of America who purchased or refinanced within the last seven years are now all caught in the trap of getting a loan on an extremely over-valued property, and many owe more than the house is worth.

The Subprime Mortgage Meltdown? Blame it on the Banks Who Believed Their Own Lies

With bad lending practices, absolutely confusing loan paperwork and unclear chains of ownership, and continually relying on inflation to bail them out of these poor decisions, the banks have been shooting themselves and their clients in the foot at every opportunity. Extracting as much profit as possible from the people through lies and manipulations is one thing; believing their own lies is entirely another.

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