Home Vídeos News Sachsida tem nova vitória, e TCU aprova privatização da Eletrobras

Sachsida tem nova vitória, e TCU aprova privatização da Eletrobras

by Infonew
Sachsida tem nova vitória, e TCU aprova privatização da Eletrobras

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HIV Treatment Access In Jeopardy – Could A Florida Proposal Cause A Ripple Effect?

An alarming proposal in the US states of Florida is causing HIV/AIDS patients to fear a ripple effect that could put HIV treatment access in jeopardy. According to a May 2011 article in the St. Petersburg Times, the income limits for those receiving state aid for life-savings HIV medications could be lowered drastically.

Reality or Illusion? – Can Wanting to Believe Make It So?

Not since the Civil War has the country been this split, with half believing that the economy is fully recovering and the other half insisting that calamity is just around the bend. For the past two years the Federal Reserve has been pumping money into this economy through QE1 & 2 and other direct stimulus programs, and there is no doubt they all helped avoid catastrophe.

Microsoft Calls Skype On Our Dime

Microsoft’s agreement to buy Skype for $8.5 billion may turn out to be a bad bargain, but that does not mean Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer made a mistake. His company has all the upside, while you and I are on the hook for approximately half of any losses. Our irrational tax laws made it rational for Ballmer to spend a fortune acquiring a company that makes no money.

Will The US Dollar Lose Dominance Globally?

Every year, we hear the doom-and-gloomers about the US economy, and predictions of our economic demise. However, when we look behind the scenes and figure out who is actually making these dire predictions, one thing is obviously clear; those who are predicting our failure are either shorting the market, shorting our currency, or they are in direct competition with our great nation in some regards.

The Cuts Keep Coming – And We Keep Giving

The UK is facing the greatest defence cuts in many years. Even in the face of this they are increasing international aid. This opinion piece looks at whether or not this is a right move on the governments part.

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