Home Nacionais e Internacionais SEIYA VS IKKI – O CONFRONTO FINAL


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#Ikki #CDZ #SaintSeiya #CavaleirosDoZodíaco

Fixing This “Thing” We Call Poverty

Sleeping outside for one night to raise awareness doesn’t stop homelessness nor does giving out sandwiches or a bag of food end hunger. Not having an income creates poverty. Having one stops it.

A Presidential Matter: Public And Infrastructure Investment

The need to invest in the people of the US and upgrade our infrastructure is more urgent than ever. Using National Economic Reform’s Ten Articles of Confederation as the means to achieve this nations economic growth, stability and security is the best way possible.

The Future Of Banknotes And Preventing A Cashless Economy

Could we be just one or two years away from solving all security-related complications of cash systems today? German-Austrian based company EDAQS, says that may very well be the case and has spent the last few years perfecting an artificial intelligence system that may soon prevent cash crimes and save the future of cash.

The 2015 Budget – What’s in It for You?

There’s no doubt that this year’s budget was designed to be completely different from the previous, with young families, small business and farmers the big winners. Far from controversial the announcement has in general been welcomed, with many commentator’s referring to it as the ‘have a go’ budget.

Kenyan 2015 Consumer Trend

After taking a beating from the 2008/2009 post-election violence, Kenya’s economy still holds strong as the most stable in the East African region. Although Uganda’s economy has in the past financial year (2013/2014) recorded a growth of about 7.1% compared to Kenya’s 4.9%, the country’s economy is growing at a very fast rate and financial experts believe it will surpass that of Uganda in the next two financial years. Indeed Kenya’s economy is projected to grow by at least 6.9 this financial year (2014/2015).

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