Home Vídeos News Shinzo Abe morre aos 67 anos após sofrer atentado no Japão

Shinzo Abe morre aos 67 anos após sofrer atentado no Japão

by Infonew
Shinzo Abe morre aos 67 anos após sofrer atentado no Japão

O ex-primeiro-ministro do Japão, Shinzo Abe, o líder mais antigo do país, morreu nesta sexta-feira (08), horas depois de ser baleado durante um evento de campanha, no qual fazia um discurso para uma eleição parlamentar. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/UcJLzTkEKLc.

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Making Money

When people begin to talk about the Global recession, I just smile and walk away because they don’t really understand what is going on. They cite examples of countries and individuals who have crashed along the way because the recession has eaten deep into their economies. Well, Economies around the world have gradually began to adjust themselves and individuals who have lost huge investments sums and companies that have liquidated because of the recession have started putting themselves together.

The Recession Was Avoidable

CSUB Professor of Economics Mark Evans was quoted as saying,we are going to have to live with large deficits for a long time, and there is no other way. We disagree with that statement. The Committee believes that there is another way. Obama is relying on Keynesian Economics. His policies put governments into massive debt, to stimulate the economy. Over time more government programs are created, as we cycle through recession and inflation.

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