Home Nacionais e Internacionais SHOW DE MERCURY PRÓ-LULA INVESTIGADO – MORNING SHOW – 05/05/22


by Infonew

Show de Daniela Mercury em apoio a Lula vira alvo de sindicância na Prefeitura de SP. Conselho de Ética da Câmara abre ação contra Eduardo Bolsonaro por deboche à tortura de Míriam. União Brasil deixa 3ª via e anuncia ‘chapa pura’ para concorrer ao Planalto. Jovem que questionou Carla Zambelli na avenida Paulista relata ameaças e faz BO. Silveira se recusa a receber ordem do STF para voltar a usar tornozeleira. Não se pode transigir com ameaça à democracia nem admitir corrosão da autoridade do Judiciário, diz Fachin. Amber Heard cai no choro ao depor contra Johnny Depp: ‘Disse que ia me matar’.

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People Being Urged to Defy New Bedroom Tax

There has been an awful lot of mis-information and misunderstanding about the new “bedroom tax” the Government are bringing in under welfare reforms this spring [2013]. Under the new rules if someone is deemed to have a room that they do not use or require, then they will face a decrease in housing benefit of up to 25% and so could face having to fund an additional 728 GBP a year. The Government are hoping that these new measures will allow better utilisation of social housing and reduce the amount paid on in housing benefits,…

Dreaded Repercussions of a Financial Crisis

Hyperinflation will bring hardship to the middle and lower classes, rendering the purchasing power of their income and savings less and less as the financial crisis worsens and is headed toward a blow-off top. A new currency will eventually need to be launched and backed by some hard assets such as gold and silver and perhaps a selection of the strongest and most stable currencies, usually of countries whose economies are based on oil. When and how we will get to that stage is unfortunately anybody’s guess, as we will be in uncharted waters, where the collapse of multiple fiat currencies will take place and dire consequences such as food riots and civil unrest will ensue. Those with incomes greater than $1 million and those with access to farming facilities may survive the ordeal. The remainder, however, will get “slaughtered.” We have the government’s deficit spending Keynesian model of economics to thank for this, as we were the ones who voted the government into power. Would it make any difference if the government was changed and its economic model superseded by the Austrian model promulgated by von Mises? Time will tell at the cost of many human livelihoods.

Many Wealthy Americans And Corporations Pay Little To No Taxes At All

In America now, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans hold a greater net worth than the bottom ninety percent combined. In 1950, corporate taxes accounted for about 30 percent of all federal tax returns. In 2012, corporate taxes accounted for not even 7 percent of it all. Only those corporate giants that cheat the system can thrive now within this country. This is compelling a large number of smaller companies to move operations outside of the United States into other nations.

Choosing A Quality Conveyancing Agency

Buying or selling real estate can be a stressful time and conveyancing is a key factor of any sale. A smooth and seamless conveyancing experience will set you on the path to an easy stress free sale or purchase, but if you hit problems during conveyancing it can cause much anguish for both you and the other party to the transaction.

Who’s Really To Blame?

No one can deny that our country is in serious economic trouble. With all the finger pointing going on, the following article is designed to give you some “food for thought” on the real culprit(s) behind the situation that we’re in.

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