
Neste final de semana do Dia das Mães, a apresentadora Kamila Pavão apresenta alguns shows para curtir ao lado da mamãe. O Espaço das Américas receberá show de Caetano Veloso com a turnê ‘Meu Coco’ e Ivete Sangalo vai se apresentar no palco do Baile da Vogue, na noite desta sexta-feira (29).

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Has China’s Robust Economic Growth Come to an End? No, But There Is No New Beginning Either

Some people say they cannot believe China’s growth is slowing down, others cannot understand how it kept going at 10% year-over-year for nearly three decades and even with the Global Economic slowdown posted 7-8% growth. Well, consider this; maybe those numbers were inflated, after all the Chinese state-controlled media puts a positive spin on everything and our news simply repeats what they report. Sometimes you have to peak over the Great Wall to see the truth. I am just saying.

What It Takes To Have Financial Security

Having financial security nowadays is quite difficult to obtain especially that there are many problems coming our way. Aside from that, prices of basic commodities surge upward very fast. Yet, I wonder how could I have the financial stability that I longed so much in life? Let’s see how I can cope with this problem.

Another Holiday Season

Tis the holiday season once again. Another year has gone by and like everyone else we are all a year older. Sad to say many of us are not much wiser for it either.

Socio-Economic Impacts of Illicit Drug Trade in Afghanistan

Illicit drug trade became widespread and pervasive during the post conflict period in Afghanistan. Although opium cultivation was at its lowest level, 7,606 hectares, after Taliban had introduced a ban in 2001, the cultivation reached the record height of 224,000 hectares in 2014, despite the presence of international security forces in the country. The harsh punishments imposed by the Taliban regime could be an element to deter farmers to denounce poppy cultivation.

Gold Standard – In a Sound Bite

I have written many articles explaining and expounding on the Unadulterated Gold Standard, on how the world economy is doomed to collapse unless the ultimate extinguisher of debt… Gold… is re-introduced into the system. I have written about the technical aspects, the moral aspects, the historical aspects… yet people still resist, still don’t want to know. They hope that hope alone will keep them out of trouble… and at best, most want a quick and easy explanation of why we should bother with Gold; in effect, they ask for a sound bite.

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