Silveira enfrenta decisão ilegal de Moraes e diz que não vai mais usar tornozeleira

Silveira enfrenta decisão ilegal de Moraes e diz que não vai mais usar tornozeleira


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Surviving the Impending Economic Collapse

For the health and wellness of you and your family, you need to be prepared to survive the coming economic collapse. There are many ways to prepare for the end of life as we know it. You will need supplies to sustain your family for days or even a year or more.

Our Extreme Population Growth and How It’s Steering Us Towards Our Next Big Crisis

The increase in our population, in the last hundred years, comes out to be more than has ever lived on the face of this earth. Its a fact that we are some what “over capacity” but it shouldn’t be looked at as needing to be “controlled”; as in population control. Learn how we got to where were at now, who’s behind this plan of population control and how our extreme growth over the last century or so, has us going full speed ahead to our very next crisis.

Wage Inflation in China Means Less Consumer Purchasing Power Here Unfortunately

Many in the United States are happy to see the Chinese workers making more money for making the goods we buy from them, or from our own companies with factories there. Some cite that it will bring back US factory jobs. Still, I question that because even if those wages significantly increase, it’s doubtful they would ever be enough to change the decisions of corporations to ditch their overseas investments there and bring it all back state side.

Job Creation: A Summary of 2012’s Proposed Solutions So Far

The South African government is under a lot of pressure to create jobs. The unemployment rate in the country is one of the highest in the world and with the economy still under strain, it doesn’t look like it’ll be able to reach its targets.

Did the Recession Destroy Black Wealth?

The combination of greed and debt, is the one-two knock out punch that will keep you down for the count, if you let it control you. This type of economic hardship will reveal a person’s strengths and weaknesses.

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