Home Vídeos News Simone Tebet diz que “mulher vota em mulher” e critica privatização da Petrobras

Simone Tebet diz que “mulher vota em mulher” e critica privatização da Petrobras

by Infonew
Simone Tebet diz que "mulher vota em mulher" e critica privatização da Petrobras

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Where Does Price Inflation Come From?

Some economists might have us believe that all price inflation comes from increased earnings levels, and they might go so far as to say that the increase in earnings accounts for all inflation, but is this really the case? Let’s discuss this premise for a moment, because, I disagree and you might learn something from my explanation here. Better yet, perhaps you might have a comment that enlightens me!

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In this contemporary time, the most dynamic and evolving area is engineering. Such an observation may seem at first to be a mere truism but closer considerations of its impacts in medicine, entertainment, energy and surgery will rapidly dispel any such dismissive judgment. Yet, engineering must be global and adaptable to local needs- we need gloCal engineering for the future.

The Depression of 2010

Government officials steadfastly avoid using the word “depression” as it is considered political poison, but make no mistake, we are in the midst of a great depression the likes of which we haven’t seen in about 70 years. The fact is our economy is incredibly fragile. As of this writing, the rate of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has dropped from 5.

The Global Economic and the Financial Crisis

The first signs of this economic and the financial crisis started to appear in the late 1990’s and at the beginning of new millennium. The companies were not able to sense the threat and continued to shift their businesses online and selling items through credit cards. E-commerce did bring positive things but like anything else, brought its drawbacks with it.

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