Home Vídeos News Site com domínio em nome de Bolsonaro faz críticas ao presidente

Site com domínio em nome de Bolsonaro faz críticas ao presidente

by Infonew
Site com domínio em nome de Bolsonaro faz críticas ao presidente

Um site com o domínio “bolsonaro.com.br” tem chamado a atenção na internet por trazer duras críticas ao presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL). No ambiente virtual, o chefe do Executivo é retratado em diversas charges, em uma delas vestido como o líder nazista Adolf Hitler. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/vTazsERy8Qk

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Mini Fire Truck ATV for Downtown Patrols

So often when Down Town areas revitalize, parking is an issue and there is not a lot of space downtown for full-size fire trucks to do their job. Often parking behind buildings is limited and they really pack in the available parking. In front there is also little if any room and it takes too long to get a truck in, find a hydrant and douse the blaze. Yet consider if you will a smaller more versatile unit?

American Dream Grant and American Dream Accounts

Hillary Clinton has stated that she has a plan for America and a Plan for the Middle Class. She has indicated any speech that she wishes to promote the American Dream Plan. The plan is to make the middle class of affordable again. Hillary Clinton’s plan does not sound like anything at least in a way she presents the plan that it is not something that the Democratic Party would necessarily subscribe to. Why do I say this?

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