Samy Dana comenta sobre o aumento acima de 55% do lucro das empresas com ações negociadas, com destaque a Petrobras, Vale, Bradesco e Itaú, e analisa a nova troca de comando da Petrobras, destacando as opções da estatal para reduzir os preços dos combustíveis sem dar canetadas.
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Dollars and Nonsense
How can it cost two cents for the materials to make one penny?…Or nearly a dime to produce one nickel? What sort of “money” is being used to pay for the raw materials?
Economic Schizophrenia – The US Economy on a Growth PathEconomic Schizophrenia or a bipolar condition is what the new report by the UCLA Anderson School of Management terms as the state of the US economy. The first quarterly report by the School suggests that while the US economy seems to be settled on a growth path, job creation is going to continue to be a problem.
G20 Economic Summit Comes to TorontoThe weekend of June 26 will see Toronto host another one of these economic summit circuses. Well in advance, the battle lines have been drawn.
Talk of Double-Dip No Longer Crazy?Just a month or two ago opinions that the serious recession that ended in the last quarter of last year, will return in a double-dip later this year were blown off as crazy. However, such opinions are now gathering credibility as prominent names join the chorus of worriers. I’m not talking about perma-bears, those grizzlies who have been calling for an economic Armageddon continuously since the market top in 2000.
The Great American Dream in Today’s Market Has Merely Become Just a Dream For MostIs There Light at the End of the Tunnel? The “American Dream” means that all people despite their circumstances can succeed through hard work, and that all Americans can live happy and successful lives. Nowadays it appears very few are achieving the “American Dream”, therefore not all people no matter how hard they work can achieve their “American Dream.” Is there away, is there hope that the “American Dream” can once again become available to anyone who is willing to work for it?