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Vídeos Curtos do Pânico (Shorts):
Pânico Retrô (momentos engraçados do Pânico no rádio) :
Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan:
Wage Growth Remains an Issue for Millennials
As millennials look to turn the tide of wage growth, weekly initial jobless claims data point to trouble for the U.S. economy. Can the next generation provide investment opportunities?
Rude AwakeningAfter the winter of discontent it is quite understandable why many embrace the coming of spring. From Republicans screaming and name calling to emails that display a continued disregard for a nation and a media circus captivated by a candidates every move it is no wonder then we look forward to when there will be some semblance of order in our every day lives. But, as I reflect on this particular spring the circle of ones life is spinning over very rough terrain.
Currency and TradeWe have consistently been reminded of the role of currency in trade. Mainly developing countries which include China where devaluation is always seen as an unfair advantage in gaining exports. They do this by essentially making their exports cheaper to importers of their goods.
Ripple EffectEver since Senator Sanders launched his Presidential bid dispute all the news about how great our labor market is there has been a methodical leveraging of major corporations that are having a ripple effect being felt all across the country. The Internet has been posting warnings about our economy for years and yet the main stream media ignores, deems them not credible and just dismisses them as some crack pot’s attempt to gain publicity. Today, with much of the fan fare being led by the media following the Republican led circus…
The Digital EconomyThe digital economy. Business enabled by the Internet, we are told day after day, “changes everything.” But does it? What’s real and what’s hype about this revolution? How does the digiconomy really affect your business?