“Tá todo mundo empolgado com a Tebet” Comentário provoca risadas na bancada


A pré-candidata à Presidência da República Simone Tebet (MDB) disse nesta quarta-feira, 25, “não ter dúvidas” de que contará com o apoio do PSDB durante a campanha. Após a saída de João Doria (PSDB) da disputa, os tucanos, que negociavam uma postulação única com MDB e Cidadania, voltaram a cogitar a possibilidade de uma candidatura própria. Confira debate no Morning Show.

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How Can Anyone Trust Economic Reports From the Government Prior to an Election?

Not long ago, I was talking to an acquaintance of mine about the challenges and problems with the economic data coming out of the government. There seems to be two critical issues with this; one, is the fact that often the data is derived before all the data is in; and two, often the data is manipulated purposefully for political reasons. The first can be forgiven, to a point, except that it happens so often it can no longer be excusable.

Asian (Con)Fusion – US Fiscal and Monetary Policy At Work

As the “Greatest Deleveraging in the History of the World,” continues along a bumpy road, with the bumps created by well-meaning political leaders, one must sit back and ask what we can learn from the past in order to better understand the present. I would relate current US fiscal and monetary policy to a form of Asian (Con)Fusion, which is leading to what I would call bi-modal financial markets.

Oconee County, GA Businesses

Oconee County business may be suffering as a result of the economic recession that we are going through right now. But you’ve got to give the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce credit for taking positive control over the situation.

Complexity of Chaos in Free Markets and Physicists Considered

The Futurists Magazine and many of the futurists in the group often believe they can predict the future and move their minds to believe that in this illustrious future, science will allow for the running of a perfect Utopia. But in retrospect and studying the past – this is not what we find at all. Generally, in retrospect almost none of the predictions made a decade ago are true today.

Wal-Mart Goes To Germany

This article will traverse the before and after affects of Wal-Mart’s attempt to gain a strong foothold in Germany. Wal-Mart has done very well in North America and many of Wal-Mart’s leaders thought that they could use the exact same success formula in Germany; however that was not the case. There were several factors that contributed to the initial failure of Wal-Mart’s in Germany including language barriers, government, and cultural differences.

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