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Tabata chama Eduardo Bolsonaro de ‘covarde’ após polêmica sobre convenção

by Infonew
Tabata chama Eduardo Bolsonaro de 'covarde' após polêmica sobre convenção

O grupo de oposição ao governo promoveu um “boicote” à convenção do PL, que lançará a candidatura do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) no domingo (24), no Rio de Janeiro. A deputada federal Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP) incentivou a manifestação e foi criticada pelo colega da Câmara, Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP). Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/S_hNSb4wVMU

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Service Sector Stimulus

How can our economy get the most bang for its buck in terms of consumer spending? In the past 35 years or so the emphasis has been on growing the service sector of our economy so it seems to follow that we need to put more emphasis on stimulating that sector. My humble reasoning powers suggest that when a consumer spends $100 at a big box retailer on consumer items (most of which are manufactured outside the US), 30 to 50% of that $100 goes outside the US doing little to further stimulate the US economy.

The Industrial Revolution is Over and the Next Great Market is?

It is time to start rethinking how to get out of this economic depression. We will have to use our imaginations. We need new products to market. Maybe we will have to combine quantum computing with artificial intelligence.

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