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by Infonew

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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan: https://www.youtube.com/c/panicojovempan
Pânico Retrô (momentos engraçados do Pânico no rádio) : https://www.youtube.com/c/P%C3%A2nicoRetr%C3%B41
Conheça o +1 podcast, um programa onde revelamos todos os bastidores do Pânico: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm77NwsR_C0n60TvB1anT5Q

Don’t Mistake Crowdfunding As a New Way to Run a Socialist Economy

As a think tank coordinator, myself and our group come up with endless potential business start-up ideas, technologies, service company entrepreneurial exploits and new business models. In the last few years, I’ve noted increasing numbers of entrepreneurs favoring crowdfunding as a better source for start-up capital. Many of these entrepreneurs are fresh out of college with visions of saving the world, and their minds are often filled with socialist fallacies. They tell me that crowdfunding is like socialism in action – completely beautiful and natural democracy in action.

Some Say Free Market Economics Cannot Work In A Global Economy – Really Why Not?

As a Franchisor Founder, I know about free market economics. Personally, when it comes to franchising, it’s like running a large company made up of many small independent small businesses. Although the business model today is more refined and over regulated, there are many similar strategies like distributorships and license agreements that work nearly the same. They work well, without a multinational conglomerate behind them, but if they do have that power base backing them up, they can work fine that way too, “with or without you” as U2 Bono might say.

Raising Minimum Wage Won’t Work to Fix The Obama Administration’s Problem With Socialism

If it were only that simple – raising minimum wage that is – but alas, it isn’t, not even close. You see, what we’ve done with our endless attempts to tweak the free market economy, and realize I am using that terminology very loosely, all we’ve done is engaged in manipulation, crony capitalism and socialist theory. Now that things are not working optimal, we are moving to fix our unintended consequences.

Is Opinionated News the New Norm?

It wasn’t that long ago that any jobs added in a given month would be considered a step in the right direction. Could it be we have already forgotten the millions of jobs that were lost during the former administration?

Aristotle, the Pope, and Income Inequality

Aristotle argued that a stable democracy required a strong middle class. The Pope, in his recently published Exhortation, argues against the economic inequality hurting the poor and destroying the middle class. This article examines how the income inequality came about.

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