Tratamento especial para os cabelos no inverno | TV Vitrine | Jovem Pan

Tratamento especial para os cabelos no inverno | TV Vitrine | Jovem Pan


Manuela Carvalho foi ao salão Laces and Hair para conhecer o tratamento especial para os cabelos no inverno. Clique no vídeo e confira!

Progressivism Isn’t Progress – II

In graduate school, they taught us the parable of The Boiling Frog… and, though I think they meant us to take away a different lesson, the parable provides a perfect way to describe “progressivism:” the slow war against freedom, strength, and prosperity being waged in the United States since the late 19th century…

A Response to Robert J Samuelson’s Defense of the Federal Reserve

A close analytical examination of the Federal Reserve is something that Robert J. Samuelson has hardly encouraged in his apologies for the private federal banking cartel that has been primarily responsible for the awful condition in which the U.S. economy presently exists. Perhaps this essay will serve as a proper response to Mr. Samuelson’s elaborative sophistry.

2012 Economic Forecast For US Economy

The Economic Forecast for 2012 is a gloomy one. The world’s top economists and investors predict that it will be a year of volatility and uncertainty for the markets and global economy, as a whole. A Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia survey involving forty five economic forecasters predicts a real GDP growth of only 2.4 percent and an unemployment rate of 8.8 percent. Just this August, those figures were 2.6 and 8.6 respectively.

Liberal Democracy

Democracy is not just a form of government but also a way of life for a very large section of the world’s population. Democracy was developed as a form of government in ancient Greece and was based on a set of values, principles and ideals. Democracy was meant to be an institution for the people’s welfare and not for the welfare of the state or those who run the state.

Are Record Low Yields A Good Thing?

Recently we have seen record low yields on U.S. government treasuries. Currently the 2-Year is trading at a yield of 0.25%. To provide some insight, at the height of the financial crisis in September 2008, when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, the yield was 2.08%. Even when the stock market reached bottom in March 2009, yields were at 0.93%.

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