Guilherme Camarda adianta as novidades da nova temporada do Mundo Ed, que contará com lives semanais e vídeos revelando bastidores da vida de Edmundo, e o ex-jogador explica seu histórico de tretas com Romário, detalhando como está a relação dos dois atualmente.
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Why We Are Not Entering a Recession!
I found it quite a struggle to decide which topic to write about in this week’s article as there are a couple of things that have really made my blood boil, but I decided in the end to write about this so-called ‘recession’ that the media would have us believe is just around the corner. One of the reasons I wanted to write about this subject is because I’ve had quite a few emails asking why I haven’t written an article on the current economic climate, so I thought I’d address it this week.
21 Ways to Deal With Changes in Today’s EconomyThis article provides information that can be used to deal with the changes in today’s economy. You will also learn ways to improve coping skills when dealing with such economic stressors.