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Tribunal na USP inicia “julgamento” de Bolsonaro por crimes contra a humanidade

by Infonew
Tribunal na USP inicia "julgamento" de Bolsonaro por crimes contra a humanidade

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How to Make DC An Economic Powerhouse (Hint – Tax Less)

The economic crisis has forced state and local governments throughout the country to review their increasingly stressed budgets and seek new sources of revenue. In December, the District’s unemployment rate hit 8.8 percent, compared with the national rate of 7.2 percent, a 16-year high.

Help the Needy Whether They Deserve it Or Not

Have you ever seen a homeless person on the street corner with a sign asking for money? Have you worried about whether or not you should help this person or what they will really do with the money?

The Basics of Any Economy

Every society in the world owns some kind of economic system which includes the traditional, the command, and the market. All of these systems have distinct common forms of organisation namely, communism, capitalism, socialism or a mixture of them. Each system relates to one or more of these organisational set-ups and there are advantages and disadvantages. What basics make the best approaches?

Gravitating Towards Trade War Scenario – Fallout of Depression

US President Barack Obama has fired the first shot to initiating Trade War. Last week he goes on record saying “Simply put, export growth leads to job growth and economic growth,” This President Barack Obama opined while setting up an industry panel to achieve his ambitious target of doubling American exports in next five years. “This isn’t just about where American jobs are today. This is where American jobs will be tomorrow”, thundered the US President.

Adam Smith, Well, He Was Right!

Right now we have a huge problem with the incestuous relationship of government and big business, where regulations are made to help corporations (thanks to lobbyists and campaign contributions) all in the name of protecting the economy and consumer, while giving a leg up for corporations over their small business competition (for products and for the overall consumer dollar). Thus, we end up creating barriers to entry, low job growth (small business employs 80% of the workers in the USA), and hardship, while allowing corporations to offshore, skip out on taxes, control whole sectors and market segments. That’s…

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