Em meio à nova pesquisa eleitoral do Modalmais/Futura que aponta Bolsonaro com 40,1% no 1º turno à frente dos 36,9% de Lula, o TSE determinou a proibição de armas e celulares em locais de votação durante as eleições.
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An Overview of Wind Farms
With energy issues becoming a daily subject in the news, wind energy is gaining notoriety. Here is an overview of wind farms and their potential.
Asian Currency Unit (ACU): Great Expectations but Paradise Lost?The road to ACU will be surely of an economic reforms and adjustment for these 13 countries. The European countries who took the initiative of forming a single currency (Euro) had more or less similar backgrounds – they were rich industrial countries that followed free market economic system. On the other hand, in AEAN+3 group of countries, Japan and Korea are rich industrial countries.